All students
For managing students, you can easily use feKara. On interface, in the label of “students”, you will find three options.
- Select “Students”
- Click on “all students” for managing your all entries of students
- Following interface will appear
- Click “actions”
- You will see three options : Download PDF, send SMS and change class
If you want to download, then click Download PDF. Your data will be downloaded
- For sending SMS, select “send SMS” from actions
- Following interface will appear. Type your message
- Click “send” and your message will be delivered to your entire list of students
- You can also change class of any student very easily.
- For this, select the student/s from your list
- Go to actions and select change class
- Select class from available classes
- Click “change” and the class will be changed
- You can also add a new student
- For this click on “Add student”
- Now you can make new admission by entering all the details of student
- After completing the details, click “submit”
- New admission will be made and you will be able to see complete profile of this student now
- Now you can perform various functions for this admission. For sending message, select “send SMS”
- Type your message and click “send”. Your message will be delivered
- For deleting this entry, select “delete”
- Now click “OK” and this entry will be deleted
- For fee payment of this, click “instant fee”
- Add details like amount, fee title, date and receipt number. Now select “pay”
- Fee status will turn as “paid”
- You can perform some other functions like viewing payment history and sending email.
- Select “more”
- For knowing the history of payment, select “payment history”
- You can view previous payment details (if any)
- For sending email to guardian or the student, select “Send email”
- Select guardian or student as recipient
- Add details and click “send”
Add new
- For adding new student you can also take a direct step
- Select “add student”
- Add details to new admission
- Submit these details by clicking “submit”
- New admission will be made
Deleted Students
- For viewing the students who have been deleted by you, select “deleted students”
- You will be able to view deleted student/s (if any)