How to manually install feKara via FTP?
When feKara is installed on the cloud with us, its installation is performed automatically. If you choose to install feKara on your hosting server, you will need to upload files and configure a few settings manually.
Read through this article for the instructions for manual installation of fekara
- PHP version 5.6.3 or later
- mySQL/ MariaDB Database
- Working domain or subdomain
- FTP/ or a control panel/ file manager to upload files
Step 1.
Download the Full Package of the latest version of feKara from your customer panel (or from the link in your order confirmation mail) and save it to your computer.
Step 2.
Unzip the file. If you are using a web-based panel instead of FTP, you can skip this step.
Step 3.
Upload the extracted files from step-2 into your web folder. If you are using web-based panel, you can upload the zip file and then extract and move the files to your web folder.
Step 4.
Access the domain name in a browser, and it will show feKara requirements page. When all requirements are met, you will be able to move to the next step.
- PHP 5.6.3 or later is required
- PHP MySQLi extension enabled
- PHP GD Library installed
- PHP ZipArchive extension enabled
- PHP file_get_contents() function
- PHP fopen() function
- PHP curl_init() function
- PHP curl_exec() function
Step 5.
In the configuration page, enter the following information:
Host Name (use localhost if the database is on the same server as your domain)
Database Name
Username (database username)
Password (database password)
Once done, click on Next button.
Step 6.
Enter the admin user name and password for your feKara install.
If the database information entered in step 5 is correct, fekara database will be created, and you will be redirected to the login screen.
Please follow the steps in Configuring Your feKara App for First Use