Manage Attendances
- Click on the attendance label.
- Select “attendance register”
- Select the requisite date
- Select the class for which you need attendance register
- As you have already students in your classes so clicking on “Attendance register” will generate the register
- Mark the absent, present or leave
- You can also send message to parents of absent child by clicking on send an auto SMS to guardian of absent students
- Save this attendance
Create Attendance Report
- You can also create your complete attendance report
- As you have marked and saved attendance so report will be created by few simple steps
- Click on attendance report label
- Select date and attendance status (present, absent, leave)
- Now select class
- now click on “view report”
- Your attendance report is created
- Now you can also download this report by clicking “download report”
- There is an option for SMS absent report as well which will send message to absent student’s registered number
Attendance Sheet
- You can also create attendance sheet.
- Click on “Attendance Sheet”
- Select class and interval for attendance sheet
- Now click on “view report”
- Your attendance sheet will be created.
- You can download attendance sheet(if needed) by clicking “download report”